Frezarka CNC
Dane maszyny
- Typ maszyny: Frezarka CNC
- Marka maszyny: DMG Mori
- Model maszyny: CMX 600 V
- Stan maszyny: sprawna
- Zużycie maszyny: nowa
- Rok produkcji: 2023
- Numer maszyny: 1525001186A
- Cena: na zapytanie
Dane kontaktowe:
- Nazwa firmy: Firma ABC
- Imię i nazwisko: Piotr Marek
- Adres: Sportowa 3
- NIP: 6669999797
- TELEFON: 555666777
Zdjęcia maszyny
Opis maszyny
- Basic machine CMX 600 V
- Control 3D-control HEIDENHAIN TNC 620
- Coolant supply / chip removal: Production Package 20 bar with chip conveyor Air coolant internal (through spindle centre) Multilayer window with tempered glass
- Spindle inlineMASTER® spindle 15.000 rpm
- Options for spindle WZA SK40 DIN69871 Tool Magazine 60 places SK40
- Measuring / Monitoring Renishaw Touch Probe-Kit for HEIDENHAIN control
- Automation Machine preparation for PH 150_PH Cell / EROWA
- Various options Pro Time
- Options for control Software option – DXF Import
- Software options for HEIDENHAIN Software Option (Option number #167) Heidenhain ATC (Application Tuning Cycle) / Heidenhain Technology cycle MPC 2.0
- Screen text language Screen text german/english
- DMG MORI Connectivity Digital Manufacturing Package
- DMG MORI Monitoring Messenger V4
- Soko/ Customizing mit Sonderkonstruktion/ with customizing!
- Service PLUS (quotation note!) Full-Service additional options D Full-Service only for Germany ! Insurance only for Germany